Cartagena, April 14, 2015 In a recent interview with a local written media last weekend, the candidate for mayor by the PP, Pilar Barreiro said quote "I'm not imputed because to impute the requirement is necessary ask the request in the House of Representatives ".
According to Left Plural (integrated by United Left-Greens and Socialists for Cartagena coalition) that statement is totally false, ie lying to the Cartagena society since no better proof that the very act of the Supreme Court dated 5 March this year when he produced his statement before it.
For José Luis Romero, candidate for mayor of Plural Left, "the right of defense of Pilar Barreiro even includes the right to lie, but in political terms lie to the society that calls for the vote disqualifies personally and politically. It We marvel that a person who is supposed legal preparation and it says its actions to law enforcement unaware that the petition request to Congress of Deputies occurs before the legal act for trial are held. We know pride of Barreiro prevents you correct for it to lnuestra coalition's main effort is to demonstrate the falsehoods continuing their statements in order for society to know that some of the electoral chances of the next May 24 what is in a candidate charged by the Supreme Court ".
Similarly, the auto Civil and Criminal TSJ of Murcia dated 6 marza also noted, in its second paragraph page 64, the condition of imputed Pilar Barreiro for the crime of trespass after finding prima facie, informing the Supreme Court that order.
"How can you keep saying you are not charged?" Concluded José Luis Romero.
Source: IU-verdes Cartagena