FFRM president, José Miguel Carrillo Monk, met this morning with Pencho Narrow, Platform Save the FC Cartagena and Juan Diego Garcia, the Federation of Peñas del FC Cartagena, to address issues related to the current situation of albinegro club.
Narrow Pencho was very pleased with the meeting with the president of the FFRM and claimed that "we have moved to José Miguel Monje the problem happens for the salvation of our club and has been fully responsive.
He also understood what the problem, has given us some idea and showed us all possible assistance from the Football Association.
The president is willing to cooperate in specific situations and we believe that the valuation of the meeting was very positive. "
For his part, José Miguel Monje, stated categorically that there is still hope to save the FC Cartagena.
"Both Pencho Narrow as the board have raised several ways of solution and the idea now is to give everyone what he can.
The lines that have marked the heads of the Peñas are very clear and the Federation will, of course, support these ways to help where needed. "
Source: Federación de Fútbol de la Región de Murcia