Pedro Antonio Garcia and Sergio Martinez held a meeting with the Association of the Deaf of Cartagena and Shire (ASORCAR) to echo the problems that older people suffer daily
The candidate of Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD) for mayor of Cartagena;
Pedro Antonio García, and the number 2 of the electoral list, Sergio Martinez, held a meeting with the Association of the Deaf of Cartagena and Shire (ASORCAR) to explore more of the difficulties these people face daily, primarily with management and with access to all services and events.
In this context, ASORCAR transmitted UPyD you can not perform a simple procedure "without resorting to request an interpreter of the Association or the Regional Federation, which of course are few, offer small grants and can not cover everything. "
For his part, Pedro Antonio Garcia and Sergio Martinez have proposed that within the portfolio of City staff "there is a group of interpreters for deaf people can go in the time they have to complete a procedure before the Administration local or municipal health centers. "
In addition, Garcia remarked that the proposal also includes interpreters "cover all public acts of the City, such as plenary sessions, press conferences of interest, the events of the main parties, etc ...".
Finally, Sergio Martinez has stated that one of the fundamental objectives of UPyD in Cartagena is "breaking all the architectural barriers of the city, and have a city accessible to all residents."
Source: UPyD Región de Murcia