The Auditorium and Congress Palace of El Batel host in Cartagena Congress of Housewives, Consumers and Users, organized by Thaderconsumo, Murcia Federation CEACCU integrated into the Confederacy.
The ex-director general of UNESCO, Koichiiro Matsuura said that of all the natural and social crisis that we must confront human beings, water resources is most affects our survival and the planet.
The aim of the conference is that these words fall not deaf ears.
During the meeting, which will take place from 11 to 13 March, round tables, debates and lectures with water as the protagonist element is made.
The importance in food production, its economic significance, the importance of responsible, sustainable and efficient use, and the various uses made of real gold water XXI century will be analyzed.
Its importance will also be discussed as a tourist resort and leisure, and its growing presence in haute cuisine.
The president of Thaderconsumo, Juana Perez, asserts that there is no better place than the Region of Murcia to hold a national conference whose theme is water.
The CEACCU Confederation, to which we belong, has understood it well, and let the whole Spain projecting the image of the optimal management of water resources we do in this area.
The central act of Congress meet on March 12 to more than 1,400 congressmen from all over Spain, and will feature leading experts on water issues, as well as local, regional and national authorities.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena