The Polytechnic University of Cartagena today welcomed the first 16 Indian students will attend specific training programs that UPCT has agreed with several universities in India.
Specifically, eight students-eight students of the School of Architecture at the Veer Narmad South Gujarat University will spend a semester in Cartagena, performing for three months research projects tutored by professors from the Polytechnic and making three month internship in companies in the Region .
The Vice Chancellor for International Relations and Development Cooperation, José Manuel Ferrández, has been commissioned to welcome these new students UPCT, who later visited the headquarters of the School of Architecture and Building.
"We hope that your stay in Cartagena is of great advantage," English has moved to new students.
Photos: 1. Indian students, by the Chief of International Relations UPCT at the entrance of the School of Architecture and Building.
2. Indians in the welcome to the UPCT Students.
Source: UPCT