In May, the other half will come to study Business |
The Polytechnic University of Cartagena receive next Monday to the first 16 Indian students will attend specific training programs that UPCT has agreed with several universities in India.
Specifically, eight students-eight students of the School of Architecture at the Veer Narmad South Gujarat University will spend a semester in Cartagena, performing for three months research projects tutored by professors from the Polytechnic and making three month internship in companies in the Region .
The UPCT has opted to expand its internationalization India, a giant exported 200,000 students each year, and has already signed four agreements with Indian universities and maintains bilateral negotiations with six other academic institutions in the subcontinent.
A Indian students, staying in the dorm Alberto Colao, are offered exclusively in English learning path.
The faculty of the School of Architecture and Building tutorizarán in this language projects and practices in companies, offices and Architecture at the Technical Unit UPCT also be in English.
In May, another half of Indian students reach the UPCT to study at the Faculty of Business a specific module, in English, with courses in marketing, finance, economics and international trade law, which will also be complemented with three months internships.
Most Indian students studying abroad in Anglo-Saxon countries, while only about 150 dock in Spain each year, according to the entrepreneur Mahendra Mistry, who has contacted the UPCT with Indian universities.
Indian students pay for their tuition superior to that of other students of the Polytechnic international rates, but still very competitive with those of other countries.
Mistry has joined today by Professor G. Abhilash Nambudiri of Rajagiri College of Management & Applied Sciences, which has met with the Vice Chancellor for International Affairs José Manuel Ferrández with Angel Face agronomist researcher and dean of the Faculty of Sciences Company, Antonio Durendez to offer students of Engineering and Economics of their institution a training program in UPCT.
Source: UPCT