Processionary caterpillar is easily reconociblepor several reasons, their appearance and behavior.
This caterpillar, concabeza and black leather and gray sides, has on its back with some reddish hairs llamadostricomas, filled with a stinging substance that protects it from predators, who by tapping or sniff may suffer allergic gravesreacciones.
These insects have a stinging hairs (irritant) lining all its cuerpo.La reaction upon contact with pine processionary is immediate: salivation occurs, the tongue becomes swollen and red or purplish coloration appears, Blisters and ulcers liquid that can cause loss of any part of the language.
When the dog comes in contact with these hairs can present different pictures from an allergy disorder such as hives, suffer rashes and angioedema (swelling of the face), necrosis in the language and even the death of our dog if it were ingested.
These caterpillars are not only detrimental to nuestroperro, so may be for nosotrosy also are treated as a common pest in the pine forests of the Mediterranean area.
For all the above we demand that the City of Cartagena fulmigar proceed to the area to prevent the plague from spreading and may cause health problems.
Source: SPCT