The government team of Pilar Barreiro has never supported the claims of the Platform for Public Health of Cartagena, has not listened to @ s @ s 30,000 cartagener that up on 2 occasions have taken to the streets to demand Cartagena to have two public hospitals at full capacity.
Pilar Barreiro's team has rejected one after another all the initiatives presented in the town meetings, yet still using the website of the City of Cartagena to launch misleading propaganda to all Cartagena.
In the municipal website today you can visit the link,
in which 1,000 hospital beds are advertised in the town of Cartagena between the hospital of Santa Lucia and the Hospital del Rosell, but the truth is that only Cartagena has 647 hospital beds, distributed in 437 general hospital, 88 of obstetrics 20 neonates, pediatric 31, 41 short stay unit and 30 unit pre-admission.
In this situation from SPCT we require hospital wards Hospital Santa María del Rosell reopen, and until this is done to stop deceiving the citizens manipulating the state of public health in Cartagena publicizing a health situation that is false.
The reality is that if you had 1000 270,000 hospital beds, the room / bed ratio would be 270, but the reality is that the ratio is 417 inhabitants / bed, leaving to Cartagena queue beds x dweller whole region.
Source: SPCT