Burglary, neighbors patrolling the streets to ensure the safety of their property, farms and looting last night burning vehicle on a public street Strait Well, this is the harsh reality that they are living the residents of this cartagenera council.
The management of PP in citizen security is dire.
It is curious that the political party that governs us do constantly showing his firm hand against crime, when the truth is that only implements measures to limit the rights of people who protest to defend public services and against corruption, and however offenders act without lack of effective control as a result of cuts in PP.
In last night burned two vehicles parked on the street Anade the people, one of whom has been completely charred.
For Pozo Strait is particularly serious, since in this town there is a local police barracks, without this serves to mitigate the rising tide of citizen insecurity in this village in the municipality of Cartagena.
From SPCT we require increased staffing of the police force of Cartagena, to provide more staff to cuartelillos like Pozo Strait.
We also believe much needed improvement in the condition of vehicles of local police because sometimes agents can not patrol as they should by shortages and poor thereof.
Source: SPCT