Large families who want to benefit from bonuses in property tax (IBI) of your residence, will have an easier from now in the city of Cartagena, because the procedures are simplified and automatic renewals will occur when not change the circumstances from one year to another.
Of these discounts contribution can benefit families that have a large family into force and own their residence.
As reported by the Councillor of Finance, Fatima Suanzes, facilities for the year 2015 will begin with the term solictud, which has been extended until March 31.
This period came running out December 31 last year and has been extended on a temporary basis for stragglers have time to complete the process and submit all documentation;
although in subsequent years, will end on January 31, and it will not have to apply every year if they have not changed the circumstances for granting them.
It also has also extended 70,000 to 85,000 euros the assessed value of primary residences of many families entitled to bonus, no longer will also have to provide income data whether to authorize the council to consult directly with the Tax Agency.
Bonuses are 90 percent for families of special category (from five children);
60 per cent for general category with annual gross revenues of less than six times the minimum wage (38,340 euros) and 30 per cent for the rest of numerous families of general category.
Families who avail themselves for the first time this bonus, must contribute, together with the application form, which can be downloaded from the website of the City , a certified copy of the deed of the residence and a certified copy of title large family.
They should also attach a certificate of income Tax Agency, the families of general category who want to get a discount of 60 percent or enable the City to make such inquiry in the Tax Agency.
This certificate must state the annual gross income of all members of the household obtained in the previous year.
For families who wish to renew the credit granted in previous years, must submit the application form along with the attested photocopy of large family.
In addition, families of general category opting to 60 percent, must attach a certificate of income.
For any questions you can call 968128849 during office hours.
In 2014 took advantage of this bonus 1,206 large families.
Of these, 154 achieved a 90 percent bonus for being special category;
586, 60 percent as numerous families of general category on less than six times the minimum wage;
and 466, 30 percent.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena