'Game, art, entertainment and sport: the natural inclusion' is the premise on which the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT) sits the Days of Awareness of Disability, which will be held from 1 to 4 December, a full of activities to promote awareness to the natural inclusion of disabled people in society program.
On the occasion of the "International United Nations Day for Persons with Disabilities", which is celebrated on December 3, the Vice Chancellor for Student and University Extension UPCT, Francisco Martinez, and General Coordinator of Campus Mare Nostrum, Pilar Garrido , will open this evening at 16:00, these awareness days in which they develop, among others, workshops tailored suits for blind, talks about the sport for people with disabilities and their purposes, conferences to learn what the autism or seminars run by volunteers who show firsthand experience working in the environment of inclusion.
Associations like ONCE, SOI Foundation, ASTUS, ASID, ASTEAMUR or CEOM are some of the participants in these days in which also intervene engineering student and volunteer at the UPCT Felipe Segura, who will present an interdisciplinary vision between engineering, psychology and art as a tool for transformation of society in the field of disability.
Activities will take place from 16:30 to 19:30 pm in the Hall Isaac Peral, Faculty of Business Science UPCT.
Source: UPCT