Students Workers Joint Training Employment Program (PMEF) this November received a training session on self-employment and entrepreneurship Social Economy. It taught Ruth Guerola, General Counsel of the Cooperative Union of the Region of Murcia (UCOMUR).
This program is sponsored by the Agency for Local Development and Employment of the City of Cartagena.
As assured Councilman Employment Joaquin Mowing the PMEF's priority is the training and employment of unemployed people participating in it, either for themselves or for others.
This training session is organized to encourage entrepreneurship and to introduce participants to the grants, subsidies and benefits of cooperatives if they decide to become self-employed, and the services provided to them from UCOMUR explained the mayor.
The activity is complemented by the service of information, advice and support to start-ups from ALDE, offering its services to all business initiatives aimed to create and encouragement from them.
The 45 student workers in this program, which began in January this year, are being formed in 3 Professional Certificates: Socio-Health Care Dependent on Social Institutions, Administrative Management and Operations and Data Recording and Documents.
It is funded by the ALDE, the Regional Employment and Training of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, the Ministry of Employment and Social Security and the European Union through the European Social Fund.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena