Spokesman Union, Progress and Democracy (UPyD) in Cartagena, Sergio Martinez, has approached the municipal spokesmen in the city of Cartagena, encouraging them to take the commitment to exclude all those accused of corruption of the electoral lists.
Thus, Martinez has urged him to commit to the "Electoral Management Bodies and matches Committees represented on this council, ultimately ratify the electoral rolls of the municipality of Cartagena, not incorporating these lists in any case, people who are charged for corruption. "
The initiative is promoted to "give a picture of city fully involved in the fight against corruption and in cleaning the electoral rolls," and has extended the request to other parties taking part in the municipal elections also will echo this request.
In this sense, the training coordinator magenta in Cartagena, Sergio Martinez, has said that "the fight against political corruption must include proportionate penalties, but excluding those institutions charged in court in corruption trials" and justified the measure both for legal reasons and for prestige politics and democratic institutions.
In addition, Martinez has indicated that UPyD has a clear commitment to its Bylaws and Code of Practice to which all candidates must be upheld because "we have always been adamant corruption" and pointed out that there are many cases that plague Spain and many parties, so "you need to rejection and implement the exemplary measures demanded by the Spaniards."
Source: UPyD Cartagena