Students in 5th and 6th Primary school Mare Nostrum had the chance Thursday to meet and practice martial arts in the Central Hall of Sports, in an activity over ADE (Approach to Sport Elite), coordinated by the City Hall.
The event began with an introduction to the martial arts master and Saints White student club Cartagena Martial Arts.
The teacher emphasized that martial arts is not to fight but to have a body control and self-defense.
Then the school participated in a practical class taught by the student teacher, teaching taekwondo techniques. From the first moment of the Mare Nostrum students were very participative and interested in the world of martial arts. The tatami central pavilion was invaded by about half a hundred small, they spent the morning getting closer to a sport and a less known for their discipline, which enthusiastically thanked
The ADE program is organized by the Sports Department of Cartagena and has the support of the Directorate General of Sports of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia and the Association of Graduates of Physical Education and Sports of the Region of Murcia.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena