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Researchers UPCT computational geometry contribute to the diagnosis of diseases of the cornea (21/10/2014)

The Multidisciplinary A group of engineers and scientists from the Polytechnic University of Cartagena (UPCT), the University of Murcia (UMU), Miguel Hernández University (UMH) and Alicante Ophthalmological clinic Vissum Corporation has managed to model the human cornea and by geometric parameters characterize keratoconus, which belongs to a group of diseases called corneal ectasia.

These pose a serious loss of visual quality, and in its later stages, the total loss of vision, necessitating a corneal transplant.

The results of this research are published this week in the journal PLoS One '.

Keratoconus, like other corneal ectasia, are relatively rare (2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants / year), so its study and diagnosis is a challenge for health professionals, according to the researchers.

The corneal tissue forming structure are deformed in this condition, modifying the thickness of the layers that compose it and thereby altering the visual capabilities of patients.

This multidisciplinary group proposes the use of computational geometry for the reconstruction of this complex biological structure, using the same techniques of surface modeling currently used in engineering design.

Once the cornea modeled by these methods, have proposed different geometric parameters that had hitherto been described, and faithfully to diagnose this disease in its various stages.

This paper published in PLoS One 'has been developed by teachers Cavas Francisco-Martínez, Daniel G. Fernández-Pacheco, José Nieto and Francisco J. Martínez Fernández Cañavate belonging to the Multidisciplinary Engineering and Safety UPCT group, which is responsible investigator José Nieto;

Professor Ernesto De la Cruz-Sanchez of Functional Genoarquitectura research group at the University of Murcia, and researchers Vissum Corporation Ophthalmology Alfredo Vega-Estrada and Ana B. Plaza-Puche;

under the supervision of Professor Jorge L. Alio, Professor of Ophthalmology, Miguel Hernández University of Elche.

This multidisciplinary work is part of the doctoral thesis of Professor Francisco Martínez-Cava, and has been developed under two research projects of R + D + I with Vissum Corporation Ophthalmology, leading to the development of a patent.

Source: UPCT

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