Technical Problems of rain delayed the start of the proceedings, but the cooperation of the municipal cleaning and maintenance, as well as the work of the organization, managed to come out ahead performances.
With the main events of the canceled holiday and festive camp closed, Conciertazo Asmtel was the refuge of thousands of Cartagena who celebrated the 25th anniversary of the holiday with the best live rock.
In a demonstration of support for the party, Amstel participates in '25h Day' organized by the Federation.
Saturday from 12h to 13h Sunday activities are scheduled at Camp Festero where the brewery will deliver thousands of prizes.
The whirlwind of rainfall a few hours before failed with Amstel Conciertazo Carthaginians and Romans.
Although it delayed its start until some derivatives downpour glitches were fixed.
With major celebrations canceled and closed camp Conciertazo Amstel became a refuge for thousands of Cartagena who celebrated the 25th anniversary of the local festivals with the best Spanish rock live.
The collaboration of the cleaning and maintenance of the City and the organization of the event were instrumental in the grounds of the Square of the Old Naval Hospital was ready.
Since opening doors (21h), the public was incessant drip, while technicians worked around the clock to los120.000 watts of sound, 50,000 light assembly could be used.
With an exemplary attitude, the audience waited for the hour and a half delay accumulated concerts.
A delay that forced change the expected sign, having to ring the performance of Discordia openers.
Amstel and organizing Rock FM Cope and apologized to Murcia band and said their participation in the upcoming musical event held in the area is outstanding.
In addition, the Cantabrian Rulo wanted to dedicate his performance, which began at 23:30, with thousands crowding Cartagena facing the stage, wishing ripped concerts.
The solvent Rock and Roller Contrabanda than offset expected.
The former bassist of the legendary group La Fuga, Raúl Gutiérrez (aka Corky), and gave a concert of his impeccable, with influences from different latitudes and rocker best national tradition.
The broken voice Rulo and his energy on stage ignited the public, who accompanied him on the review of such hits as The crazy head, Wounds of rock & roll or My Cinderella, as well as singles Divided, Looking sea or Your hundred springs, of his most recent work, Endangered Species.
About 01:30 they took the stage M-Clan to celebrate a double anniversary: ​​one part of the celebrations of the Carthaginians and Romans and, second, his 20 years in music, which this fall will commemorate with a new album recorded in I live.
One area that Murcia control to perfection not in vain are considered one of the best directors of national bands as demonstrated in Conciertazo Amstel.
In an hour and a half of action were shelled big issues like Carolina, Calling Earth, Stay to sleep or listen to my voice.
A concert full of power began to dance and sing along choruses to the thousands of attendees Cartagena by a rock southern roots, full of personality, with echoes of soul and R & B, which guarantees high on the Spanish music.
The perfect finishing touch for a night in which the festive atmosphere prevailed.
Amstel thanks the excellent response Cartagena Conciertazo Amstel Carthaginians and Romans, his patience and civic behavior in unforeseen caused by strong water spout suffered few hours earlier.
And Cope and Rock congratulates FM for his work in the organization.
The brewery hopes to have the cooperation of the City, the Federation to celebrate the tenth edition of the concerts next year.
At the end of the holidays big week continues the celebration of the Silver Jubilee of Carthaginians and Romans.
One of the commemorative activities is the 'Day of 25h', a conference organized by the Federation troops and legions, in collaboration with Amstel, which has its hub in the Roman camp.
All who participate in activities that are being programmed continuously from 12: 27 to 00h Saturday 13: 00h on Sunday 28 September to receive a scratch can get one of the thousands of gifts being delivered Amstel.
Awards ranging from classic hats and shirts to the equivalent of the height of the winner on liters of beer.
Moreover, during all the beer festivals work with restorers Roman Camp, who will provide cover and beer at reasonable prices (1.80 €).
Another sign of the shares which is involved Amstel from two decades ago in these celebrations, supporting the City Council and the Federation, generating their own or collaborating with institutional proposals events, to help each year Carthaginians and Romans grow, becoming a of the most unique and respectful of the history of the Mediterranean holiday.
Source: Agencias