On Friday, September 5, will be found in the square Bastarreche a loan to the city by the Federation of Festivals Carthaginians and Romans, on the occasion of its 25th anniversary milestone.
In the event the Mayor, Pilar Barreiro, and the president of the holidays Javier Ibernon be present.
The milestone is a stone marker, as a column, which in antiquity indicated the distance from one point to other cities.
Which on Friday will discover eight thirty in the afternoon, has been made ​​from steel and carries Kart Hadast legend Carthagonova, with a reproduction of a text of Polybius which refers to the departure of the troops of Hannibal from Cartagena.
At the foot of the milestone several plates that affect the distance to other cities of antiquity are located.
The location of milestone matches what was the main entrance to the city Carthaginian and Roman.
Their placement in one of the traffic islands in the square, has been made by the City of Cartagena and this was taken into account the expected reform bill this area.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena