Albujón neighbors are used to living in fear of the consequences of successive episodes of cold drop each fall usually occur in our town.
A virulence that sometimes generates the rain on the Rambla del Albujón area near the Municipal Hall in the village there is also attached.
This pavilion next to CP Luis Vives and Village Nursery School is located in a flood zone of the town, and indeed the main gate of the sports facility gives an area of ​​runoff water from heavy rains can cause floods occur at the sports center.
In fact manholes located the sewage near the pavilion are much higher than the entrance and the perimeter sidewalk sports facility, which demonstrates the risk of flooding in the area.
The PP promised to initiate development work at the pavilion immediately Albujón environment, but the truth is that he has spent the last year and much of 2.013 and 2.014 are again on the eve of autumn, with the threat supposed to have a new sports facility in a flood zone.
Given this situation from SPCT, being aware that not enough time for development of the external environment Albujón Pavilion before autumn, we urge the PP government team to adopt interim cleanup measures and dikes, and to proceed to the urbanization of this part of town as soon as possible.
Source: SPCT