On Wednesday, the monitoring committee of this network, which coordinates the Ministry of Health and Social Policy, and aims to distribute the food to families excendentes difficulties of coordination and avoiding duplication was established
The Minister of Health and Social Policy, Catherine Lawrence, chaired Wednesday's meeting constitution of the Monitoring Committee of the Solidarity Network for the Development of Food, which aims to coordinate the work of all those involved in the network and avoid duplication with ensure that surplus food reach families in need.
The creation of this commission came covered by the Act passed by the Regional Assembly in October 2013. The idea is to control what is not consumed and is in good condition, can be recovered, instead of ending up in the trash.
On the committee are represented, plus the Autonomous Community, the municipalities of Cartagena and Murcia, the Confederation of Organizations of Murcia (CROEM), the Federation of Municipalities, the Government Office and the Third Sector: the two banks Food of the Region, Caritas and the Red Cross.
Representing the City of Cartagena, the meeting was attended Antonio Mula, Technician Department of Social Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena