From City (MC) Movement we want to inform the public and the citizens of Cartagena that our Councillor and Director of the municipal company "CARTAGENA CENTRO, SA" has applied in the morning for an urgent meeting of the Board of that company, so that as soon as it meets and agrees to the filing of the application for enforcement against "NEW RESIDENTIAL DOOR CARTAGENA, SA".
And since it has been made aware through the media that the Board of Grace Provincial Court of Murcia Section Five, based in Cartagena, has already notified the company the Judgment 135/2014, of 1 July , which confirms that this society is facing creditor "NEW RESIDENTIAL DOOR CARTAGENA, SA" a credit of ONE MILLION NINE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED THIRTY NINE EUROS (€ 1,917,639).
Since the Board of Directors, through the council's Party to take the place of Directors, has been preventing this execution, claiming various reasons, including the Municipal Counsel reported convenience await the outcome of second instance proceedings then run.
Once this condition is fulfilled, considering that 10 months have passed without requiring credit society, and in the process the company itself has reserved shares in connection with a dubious transaction effected between companies linked to the debtor which could prevent the collection, we understand that there are no objective reasons for not applying for foreclosure as soon reasons, so it is required and other actions which could proceed.
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano