Union Progress and Democracy (UPyD) in Cartagena from the Planning Group "wants to warn about the precarious situation in which lies the road and marking of bike lanes in the city."
Thus, although the city "has improved a lot in terms of the inclusion of these lanes" on some major roads of the city, most of them "lack of continuity of communication between itself and signaling", a fact that may cause confusion among users of bicycles and pedestrians, as well as the worst accidents.
From UPyD Cartagena "urge the City Council to improve services", performing appropriate signs in the bike lanes, sidewalks and traffic by extending these vials as well as awareness campaigns and information to citizens, since that "bicycles must travel on the road just after the touring cycle paths," taking precedence over pedestrians.
Similarly, training in Cartagena magenta and requests relate the different lanes that exist in the city, "giving continuity and not ending so abruptly in some streets where the cyclist does not quite know where to continue their journey", as may occur in Calle Real, reaching the Plaza of Spain, or the Cuesta del Batel reaching Bastarreche Square.
So "a true network, useful and functional, of bike lanes to the city" would be created.
In conclusion, Union Progress and Democracy in Cartagena, wishes to remind the City Council that the failed service bicycle hire which prompted a few years ago, "not be forgotten, as it makes more than a year said it would restate the service to improve and we have not been heard of it. "
Source: UPyD Cartagena