The work of City (MC) Movement in relation to the management and control of industrial waste, as well as awareness and respect for the environment, has paid off.
Thus, in response to the motion filed last day June 4, 2014, which referred to the accumulation of mountains of plastic on the outside of a building located on Highway F-36, next to a service station, is has proceeded to withdraw an accumulation of plastic.
MC observed an incomprehensible royalty disproportionate accumulation of these plastics, affecting this fact to their own security measures set out in the rules of service stations, and that posed a clear danger to the possibility of fire in those premises occur.
According to Jose Lopez, mayor of MC, "owners of vessels and surrounding grounds have called us to thank us for our management, and finally was eliminating the danger of fire and expected to decrease leakage of water contaminated by plastic to water table, which were affecting crops and nearby plantations. "
In Citizens Movement will continue very attentive to this and similar facts, as important as waste management and environment area.
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano