The mayor of the City (MC) in the city of Cartagena Motion, José López, presented this morning at the Palace of Justice lawsuit against the members of the Local Government Board for alleged trespass and trespass by continuing to contest municipal auditor.
In the words of Lopez himself, "all members have consented and no charges have protected that come designed by management and the structure of the state as a firewall to guard deal, monitor, and track municipal management."
He added that "we ask that these positions are filled by people with national accreditation as a trademark law, so there are no politicians through pay some bonuses out of the ordinary people who are not qualified and could not access that amount otherwise, may be able to make these positions. "
He continued by saying that "from the first plenary occurred to me that he had appointed senior officials of the Administration who were in positions that did not fit them because they had no national accreditation".
MC has filed motions and questions in Parliament in this regard, and resources to the bases, but has always been ninguneado.
For Lopez, "all these actions we have carried out for three years and one month so far this term, added to the recent opinion of the Court of Auditors is to elaborate on the same, which is what gave us the final push to file this lawsuit for alleged breach of trust. "
Finally, he recalled that "no charges at thirteen in accidental situation and put a stop time has come, and that the accounts are clear, transparent and all."
The mayor of MC has been at all times accompanied by the legal team that assists and has prepared this complaint, among whom the lawyer Jesús Giménez Gallo, wanted to add that "what is protected in this case is the normal operation of Administration "and that" it is in breach of regional legislation, "since" it is forbidden to leave the contest void when someone meets the standard "is presented.
He also said that "a motion for reconsideration was filed in administrative announcing that the foundation amparaban this issue we understood that it was not legal."
He concluded by saying that "there is a report of the audit court audit speaking that there breaches in the city of Cartagena, where he says he is not guaranteeing the protection of the rights of citizens, in terms of management control of government. "
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano