The Prom have celebrated with a visit to ARQUA, Liquor Factory 43 and exposure Romanorum Vita La Caixa.
Throughout the whole year have participated in all kinds of activities such as modeling, theater or painting
With the arrival of June playing close down until next year to activities that develop during these months.
This applies Leisure Workshop La Manga from our elders, coordinated by the Department of Social Services, which organized this week their last meeting.
And he did it with a visit to the National Museum of Underwater Archaeology (ARQUA) Liquor Factory 43 and exposure Romanorum Vita La Caixa installed in the port.
Later, the thirty or older to participate in this activity enjoyed a fellowship meal.
Throughout this course, they have developed different activities, which are crafts, theater, modeling, recycled, popular traditions, painting, carnival and various cultural outings.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena