This week is proceeding to change location of cameras that make up the traffic monitoring system of the City of Cartagena.
As announced in August 2013 that was launched, it is a mobile system that changes periodically based on the traffic light junctions where the greatest number of violations and accidents.
According to informed sources from the Department of Public Safety the deterrent effect of this system has worked well in the initial points on which they were placed, they very significantly decreasing the number of violations and accidents.
For this reason, traffic light now most contentious points are others who are in the Paseo de Alfonso XIII, street and Ramón Ángel Bruna Box l.
Specifically the locations where cameras remain installed later this week are:
Paseo Alfonso XIII departure address semaphore located nearby bank Sabadell-CAM
Motorway exit towards Plaza Alicante - Spain Square, nearby fast tire change service.
C / Bruna Angel, Paseo Alfonso XIII junction
C / Angel Bruna, Avda Reina Victoria intersection, facing fabrics store
C / Ramón y Cajal crossing Carmelites
The points so far cameras were, however keep the covers installed, so it will be difficult to see if they are operational.
This, according to the sources, increase the deterrent purpose that this system, which can identify vehicles jumping a red light is pursued.
These are:
Alameda San Anton, junction with C / Soldier Rosillo.
Soldier Rosique Street, junction with Alameda San Anton.
Menéndez y Pelayo Street
Menéndez y Pelayo Street, access to space Spain
C / Greece, Plaza Alicante access to Paseo Alfonso XIII
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena