City (MC), Motion will ask at the next full council that the city of Cartagena urge the National Government and the Parliament to put in place the necessary legal and constitutional initiatives to abolish the system of "graduated" , as this is a procedural exceptionalism responding to undue political and judicial privilege.
For José López, mayor of MC, "in this context, it is normal to be many citizens who are against the privilege of gauging as it creates citizens first and second category."
And it is estimated that 10,000 people in Spain are gauged, that is, subject to specific procedural legislation which are not tried or investigated by the ordinary courts which are subject to other Spaniards.
Of all graduated, 2,300 are political, and half of them regional deputies.
These are graduated: the Prime Minister and his ministers, Congress President and Members of the Senate President and Senators, presidents of regional parliaments and parliamentarians, the president and directors of the Court of Auditors like the Council of State.
So is the Ombudsman and the judiciary are the President and members of the General Council of the Judiciary, the presidents of the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court and all judges, magistrates and prosecutors.
Many of these stream-gauging not justified in the Constitution and have been established by other rules.
According to Lopez, "this circumstance, we understand that assumes an unwarranted privilege, is an anomaly and an unusual situation if also compared with neighboring countries and the whole of the OECD."
In short, MC believes there is no legal, social, technical, or procedural policies to keep this abusive regime and extended stream-gauging reasons.
Therefore, it is an integral party of the Confederacy of Independent Political Groups (ICSC) is presenting motions in this line in all municipalities and county representation in Spain where they have political formations that form, MC rise to such a motion in this meaning to the full council.
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano