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The drink driving (05/06/2014)

Most of the Carthaginians, are already aware that driving a vehicle after drinking alcohol or drugs increases the risk of an accident.

But while most road users adopt responsible behavior, there are still drivers who gets behind the wheel with the physical and mental faculties impaired by drug or alcohol.

Alcohol causes between 30% and 50% of fatal accidents in the municipality, and from 15% to 25% of serious accidents, and 85% of these accidents involve occasional or casual users.

It is also statistically proven that driving under the influence of alcohol increases the reaction time, and thus the braking distance by more than 10%, that traveling at a speed of about 120 km / h would make braking about 100 meters equivalent to almost all the Puertas de Murcia street.

Driving under the influence of alcohol decreases the visual field, which disrupts the sense of balance and make the movements become less accurate.

It also reduces stamina, increases fatigue and tiredness and disturbed vision, making it clear cause of decreased reflexes, with the result that significantly increases the reaction time.


The Road Safety Act makes it a very serious offense driving vehicle having consumed alcohol in excess of the permitted rates.

In addition, the Criminal Code contains offenses against traffic safety, and establishes prison sentences of up to four years for drivers who do exceed the limits of alcohol (0.5 g / l in blood and 0.25 mg / l in expired air for a driver's license for one year) or under the influence of drugs or breaching an obligation that all drivers have to undergo alcohol testing and drug detection.


The important thing is not to drink.

Do not try to show that you are able to if you have consumed alcohol, just aware that you are not able.

Do not accompany any driver who has been drinking.

Use public transport or taxi as an alternative.

Not worth taking any chances, driving zero alcohol.

Victor J. Navarro

Local, Police criminologist and security expert

Source: Victor J. Navarro

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