Gaspar Llamazares, deputy national Izquierda Unida, met yesterday, along with other members of his training (as Tasio Oliver and Maria Marin, candidates for the European Parliament, and Jaime Moltó Cayetano, local coordinator of training and municipal councilor in Cartagena) with representatives of the Platform Save the advantage Rosell stay deputy in the city to participate in an act of the Plural Left.
Llamazares knew firsthand the problems raised by dismantling and progressive closure within its policy of cuts and social rights, is conducting the People's Party with the health center and the popular support (more than 70,000 signatures collected and both mass demonstrations) that maintaining the second hospital Rosell as Area II Health is having among the inhabitants of Cartagena and Shire.
The deputy national collective Izquierda Unida offered their support and promised to carry out initiatives to discuss the situation in other forums and outside our region to try to give the citizens demand solution to this conflict and that it is not other than maintenance as Rosell said second hospital, with all the services of a general hospital, as in his day was passed in a resolution Regional Assembly and called for in the Bill to be discussed in parliament autonomy with support shown by the city of Mazarrón and Cartagena, the main city of the Health-Area II has refused to support it with the votes of the majority of the PP.
Source: IU-verdes Cartagena