The interpretive center hosts the exhibition of machinery and equipment for the manufacture of footwear, accompanied by incredible views of pairs of all time shifts to the past through the tunnel of history.
Until next Sunday, May 18, the XXL shoes have taken to the streets and plazas of Cartagena, as well as some of the buildings and museums.
Among them-Refugio Museum of the Civil War.
There is the exhibition Traces of History where you can know how it has evolved a way to make shoes, some of the machines that were used in their manufacture or how was the kind of shoe according to the time and place where you live.
Also, an interesting video tells how the whole process of manufacturing the footwear is made in our country.
In the history of clothing, footwear has always been an undisputed place to wear such an essential part of the body such as the feet.
In its prehistoric beginnings, the shoe was linked only to its functionality.
The man had a need to protect your feet against nature and it used a simple leather pouch.
Over the centuries, was discovered as a true complement to the dress carrier hierarchical, economic, religious values ​​and, of course, aesthetic, has been subjected to the dictates of fashion, the tastes of each era, even to check the identity of a style and become an object of beauty adored by many.
In this exhibition you can see a multiple variety of wonderful shoes, sandals from Persian, Egyptian and Roman boots through the time of Louis XV, shoes and even a jester escarpment English VX harness century.
A variety ranging from antiquity to the present day, and explain curiosities such as that before the nineteenth century, there was a left or right shoe.
This and many other stories can be found, until 18 May, Tuesday to Sunday, from 10:00 to 19:00 pm in the Refuge and Museum of the Civil War.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena