The first year of the new website of the Festival closes with over 833,000 visits and 72% of international consultations and other communities of our country.
Nestor Jorge Giuliodoro Molinaro / Public Affairs of the Federation troops and legions
In its first year, the new website of the Festival becomes an important tool for the promotion of Carthaginians and Romans.
Having a strategy for search engine positioning and support of social networks like Facebook and Twitter, the site recorded an average of two thousand three hundred daily visits, achieving wide dissemination of our Party in the digital world.
The following results are highlighted in the report submitted by Nestor Jorge Giuliodoro, responsible for designing and maintaining the web:
Use of viral and organic strategies to disseminate information of the Festival, with results from thousands of software downloads acts on Slideshare platform and a "trending topic" on September recognizing that Carthaginians and Romans was one of the ten more relevant to users of the social network Twitter in Spain themes.
Together with the official website of the Festival on Facebook to exceed three thousand followers and facilitate the dissemination of the hundreds of events that took place in the new program "Celebrations for All" in the last edition of Strategy Carthaginians and Romans.
Substantial increase internet queries for information on the Festival, with 72% of them coming from other autonomous communities in our country and foreign countries, especially Italy, Portugal, UK, Norway, Germany, France and Tunisia.
Contact Students of Degree and Master of Spain, Portugal and Italy, we have requested information to do their jobs on our Prom Party.
With the cooperation of the Department of Tourism of the City of Cartagena and as a result of efforts that began with our presence at the International Tourism Fair in Madrid 2014 and continued from the web, they contacted us half a dozen travel agencies and tour operators Bilbao, Barcelona, ​​Madrid, the UK and Portugal, to develop tour packages that include the next edition of Carthaginians and Romans as main attraction for travelers.
Large log user activity on the appropriate section to our city, which promotes awareness of our cultural heritage (with links to all the museums in Cartagena), promotes tourism (with links to all the hotels in the city, travel site and transportation).
In March, the web of Carthaginians and Romans was selected as one of 4 finalists for Best Voluntary Web Contest VI Web Awards organized by the newspaper La Verdad which saw a record participation with 685 sites and advertising campaigns opting these prestigious awards.
He also notes that "the web is completely renewed to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of Carthaginians and Romans, with new features and applications for Internet users to know and enjoy the greatest party of the Mediterranean. Starting next month, and in recognition the important cooperation of institutions, organizations and companies who sponsor our Party and collaborating with our official magazine, our website will include images and links each to the thousands of users who enter our website can contact your pages web, promoting their visibility in the digital world.'s our way of saying thanks for the support they provide to Carthaginians and Romans. "
Source: Cartagineses y Romanos