Also prompted measures of coordination between administrations to improve security measures to adopt
City (MC), Motion requested at the next full council an improvement in the management of industrial waste in Cartagena and interaction with the regional administration to try to end the unfortunate situations as given in one of the main routes into a city road, the F-36, where we observe an incomprehensible image with disproportionate accumulation of plastic on the outside of a ship attached to a gas station, affecting this fact to their own security measures set out in the rules of service stations, and pose a clear danger to the possibility of fire in those premises occurs.
Next to the potential fire hazard that these plastics pose and given the proximity of the service station, the question for the fulfillment of the National Integrated Waste Plan contained in Decree 48/2003 of the Autonomous Community of Murcia, and the Law Hydrocarbons 34/1998, which speaks of security measures to be taken.
Jose Lopez, mayor of MC, asks "how is it possible that both the competent local authorities, and the Autonomous Community has allowed grant a license for such activity by a service station?".
And so, it has also indicated that "from Citizens Movement is calling for the immediate withdrawal of accumulated plastic on the outside of the ship and demands while not re-produce an event like this."
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano