"I had a little shop, VAT rose and I had to close, and who came to rescue me?" Lola Sanchez asked, referring to the government rescue plan for toll roads, among which is the motorway from Cartagena to Vera.
This difference between the measures normal people and friends to apply is who chaired the public event organized in Cartagena can to promote candidates.
Pablo Iglesias, the lead promoter, has moved to Cartagena for the second time in less than a month, which has acknowledged he was "very impressed" by the massive participation in the events of the region in which it has participated.
This time, it has to promote citizen participation in primaries is undertaking the initiative, which also, in addition to the university professor, the candidate participates by Lola Sánchez Cartagena Circle.
Lola Sanchez has been compared by Iglesias with Valcárcel, to demonstrate the differences "between the breed that's in power against the people they claim to represent but to those who have nothing to do."
Lola, 36, graduated in Political Science currently unemployed, which was forced to go abroad to live, against Ramón Luis Valcárcel, who "will look to Brussels a golden retirement."
As Inigo synthesized Errejón, "there is a growing country out of the official real country."
With over 140 candidates and nearly 18,000 votes received in just two days, the primary being can share a success.
These internal elections will end on April 2, and the list of them will be attending the European elections in May.
Source: Podemos