The Autonomous Agency for collection management of the City of Cartagena (OAGRC) recalled that on Monday March 31 is the last day of term to pay Tax Motor Vehicle, which will have to collect receipts 139 505
amounting to 13,046,948 euros. Quotas experience no rise, as they will be the same as last year.
As explained sources of the organism, the census put the collection in 2014 shows a decrease of 2,449 units in vehicles to 2013.
Vehicles exempted from tax are 7,824, 5.6 percent of the total, and for which the City will suffer losses of 865 344 euros.
Of these, 5,280 are assigned to vehicles owned or handicapped, for which the City will raise 595 270 euros and 2,029 units, because they are benefiting from agricultural profits and other exemptions, representing 208,895 euros.
Vehicles whose collection management is done through direct debit is expected to exceed 18 percent.
For taxpayers who are not domiciled collecting the receipts OAGRC send them by mail.
The amount may be paid in offices, ATMs and tax services on the Internet Hall of the collaborating institutions: Banco Mare Nostrum, Banco Sabadell, SA, CaixaBank and Cajamar and may use the Web page to access them OAGRC .
To pay in cash, taxpayers must enter the keys contained in receipts.
Some ATMs have also been equipped with barcode readers that greatly facilitate the work and avoid errors.
For those who for whatever reason did not get them the receipt, there is the possibility of printing through the choice of Virtual Office in the aforementioned website OAGRC and proceed to payment collaborating institution.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena