Once again arrive at Cartagena City Municipal Group (MC), complaints by citizens of the municipality of mismanagement the departments of Infrastructure and Security Movement.
Specifically, this time it's neighboring residential Casablanca, located between El Bohio and Polygon Santa Ana, denouncing as writing to MC seeking refuge are not in the City, "the state of neglect in that the public park is residential, "since only four years of existence," the lights only work until ten at night and the lights of the adjacent gardens or work. "
Similarly, these neighbors report the fact "pay IBI 700 per year, the highest in the whole region, and yet be abandoned", so feel powerless before the Administration, when they have rights to this are ninguneados.
For José López, mayor of MC, "we are told and we have seen, it is an abandoned any attention from the Department of Infrastructure, not replenished street furniture or electrical wiring area and are abandoned also by the Department of Safety, since cars roam for banned addresses and when night falls the neighbors complain about the insecurity generated them pass by, being occupied by banks on the "botelleo" and alleged drug use. "
Source: Movimiento Ciudadano