The Roman Theatre Museum has organized a seminar on the Second Punic War, to celebrate this year the 25th anniversary of the Festival of Carthaginians and Romans.
Through this workshop, the registration period is now open and in which c olaboran the Polytechnic University of Cartagena and the Federation Party, will address one of the most important events of ancient history, which also marked the introduction of our land at very early dates the rising Roman Empire.
Titled Iberians, Carthaginians and Romans.
Peninsular Southeast scenario of the Second Punic War, the course presents a retrospective, not only by the classical sources, which for centuries was the only support for those fragments to reconstruct the history of the city, but also the progress made ​​in recent decades through increased archaeological interventions that have been parallel to the development of research, resulting in better understanding the Carthaginian city and the beginnings of Romanization on.
In addition, the research generated in the city has served as a reference to promote studies on the Second Punic War in the peninsular area, and especially in the Southeast.
The seminar is complete with guided visits to the Punic Wall, the wall that stood Hasdrubal and assaulted the young Scipio, and Arx Asdrubalis.
It is a 10-hour seminar, to be held from 3 to 5 April in hours 19.00 to 22.00 pm, Saturday from 10 to 14.00.
The venue will be the Hall of the Museum of the Roman Theatre in Cartagena and certificate of attendance will be delivered to participants who have attended 80% of sessions.
A total of 80 seats and recipients are professionals, students, classroom elderly and the general public interested in Archaeology, History and Tourism.
Registration and information: Museum of the Roman Theatre in Cartagena.
Town Hall Square No 9.
Phone 968 50 48 02, Fax: 968 12 48 65
Sponsors City of Cartagena, Region of Murcia and Cajamurcia Foundation.
Collaborate UPCT and Federation troops and legions of the Festival of Carthaginians and Romans.
Thursday 3 April
19.00 -. Qart Hadast, capital of the Carthaginians in Iberia.Dr.
Sebastian Ramallo.
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Murcia20, 00 -. Barcine A city under LucentumDr.
Manuel Olcina Domech.
Director MARQ, Alicante
Friday, April 4
19.00 - Hannibal and Scipio, Dr. intimate enemies
Fernando Quesada.
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Madrid20, 00 -. Imilce? Uxor Hannibali Esset inde, cultural transfers between Iberian and Punic Dr.
Fernando Prados.
Professor of Archaeology at the University of Alicante
Saturday, April 5
10 -. Guided tour to the Wall Púnica.Dr.
Elena Ruiz Valdez.
Director of the Museum of the Roman Theatre Cartagena11, 00.
Pause café11, 30 -. Guided Tour Asdrubalis Arx.
M ª José Madrid Balance, archaeologist co-director of excavations at the Cerro del Molinete.13, 00 -. Closure and issuing of diplomas.
Hall of the Museum of the Roman Theatre
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena