On July 29, 2013 the Ministry of Education, Universities and Employment issued the order for which the regulatory bases are approved and actions for the development of the Regional Plan for Prevention, Monitoring and Control Truancy and reduced abandonment summon school, public schools in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia for the 2013-2014 school year.
The total amount of expenditure for the development of such proceedings will be € 459,000, which will go under the budget line, the current year, project 39179, "Actions to dropout prevention."
This budget is distributed according to the order of the Council of 16 December 2013, and is distributed to 53 primary and 77 secondary, which gives an average figure of 3,530 euros per school in the region of Murcia.
In our town only 7 schools (CEIP Anibal of Mateos, CEIP Asdrubal what Campano, Luis Vives Albujón CEIP, CEIP San Francisco Javier of Barreros, CEIP Stella Maris de Cartagena, CEIP Virginia Pérez del Algar and San Isidoro del CEIP Algar) and 3 Institutes (Carthago Spartaria de la Palma, IES Pedro Penalver Algar and IES San Isidoro de los Dolores) have applied for grant from the RESP, which means in practice a reduction of about 4,000 euros per center which has applied for the grant, and also large number of colleges and institutes have not even asked for help, because with this budget you can hardly do anything.
From SPCT-Clias denounce the brutal cuts in budget lines of the regional government in the fight against truancy.
So the RESP (Regional Plan Against Truancy) has evolved as follows during 2010-2011, 2,501,000 euros, in 2011-2012, 2,182,311 euros in the year 2012-2013, 2,001,783, and for the 459,000 euros 2.013-2014 indicated above.
It seems outrageous that a dropout rate of 27.7% in 2012 well above the national average, rather than opt for policies that correct this situation, it is decided by the Regional Government cut almost to the minimum the RESP.
With this cut, there is little to pay teachers, it greatly reduces the number of students who can benefit from the program and even aid for transportation that make it impossible in many cases students can attend classes are deleted RESP.
From SPCT-Clias demand that the Regional Government budgetary dowry we RESP to combat truancy, since the Ministry itself emerged as one of the objectives of the new plan to reinstate the education system for students who left the system without qualification.
However, expect the education system to reinstate those students who at one point dropped out, does not fit have fewer teachers in classrooms or classrooms with more students, especially in high school.
Source: Socialistas por Cartagena