On Friday, October 18, the program of alternative leisure time T-La, has organized a workshop called Power conscious, to be held in the multipurpose room of the Youth Resource Centre, from 16.30 to 21 hours.
The objectives of this workshop are intended mentalising assistant for success in your diet, plan a strategy for weight loss, be aware of the eating habits and reveal the mental mechanisms that prevent weight loss.
The workshop lasts four hours and will be taught by Pascual Palazón Naphtali, Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics from the UCAM and Master in Personal Coaching by the European Institute of Madrid.
The egistration i share is 15 euros which can be formalized in Youth Resources, Paseo Alfonso XIII, No. 53.
30203 Cartagena.
Phone 968-128862, ext 4 Monday to Friday from 9 to 14 and from 17 to 20 hours.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena