TAS Program (Active and Healthy Tourism) of the Municipal Institute of Social Services City of Cartagena has organized for Friday October 11 a day of hiking in the activity running on Fridays.
This is Route 48, Return to the Sierra de la Atalaya, the participants will travel just over 9 kilometers, with an expected duration of three hours.
The Sierra de la Atalaya despite its small size and low altitude, offers attractive places to enjoy hiking and mountain sports, highlighting its strength, which stands on top of the main hill overlooking the city 246 meters.
Departure is at 9:00 pm from the esplanade of Peak. From there it will go towards the costs of Batel, Puerto, Barrio de la Concepción, Slum Villalba, Cartagonova and from the zenith.
This activity is aimed at the elderly and people with disabilities and is recorded in Fall 2013 Program Informayor the Department of Social Services.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena