Students have received this morning, in the Multipurpose Room Youth Resource Center, the diploma of your stay in this program which aims to raise awareness of the various activities organized by the Youth Council of Cartagena adolescents from their schools
With the summer holidays now underway, during 2012-2013 also comes to an end for the 20 Youth Correspondents of the Youth Council of the City of Cartagena this morning received their diplomas at the Youth Resource Center. Interpersonal problems have motivated the absence of Youth Councillor, Ruth Collins, and the coordinator of the program, embodies Parreno.
Instead, and chairing the event, attended Maria del Carmen Conesa, technical information and María del Mar Sánchez, Head of Leisure Participation Programs, who have excelling or effort and dedication of these students in the tasks diffusion of the many activities of Cartagena.
This program has engaged the Public Centres Cartagena and Secondary Education and Vocational Training centers in the city.
Have been awarded a total of 15 scholarships have benefited the twenty students, either individually or in teams, have maintained their peers informed of activities and resources that are offered to them and that may be of interest.
Thus, for example, Rosana, who has completed 2nd High School, and just passed with flying Selectivity, acknowledges that it has gone very well and has met the objective of promoting the Department information through various tools, from traditional, such as posters, to the latest generation of social networking.
This program not only gives young people know what educational, recreational or cultural underway in Cartagena, but also is a way to bring the public administration to adolescents. Students have emphasized its usefulness, as emphasized Jesus, and studiante Barber Middle Grade, and thinking repeat next year. I love being in touch with people and informal power, he adds.
Others as Imam, 4th student of That, was a friend who encouraged her to participate in this activity.
She relates that travel mainly been reported, although his companions I have been interested in the Mango Show held in El Batel in early May.
During the course of their stay in the program, these Youth Correspondents have had the help of a tutor, and also supported Informajoven public service.
Also, everyone will receive a grant of three hundred euros for the work of their respective schools.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena