A true exercise in prestidigitation, a waste all, an attack on the terrestrial and marine environment and historical and archaeological heritage and cultural continuity of the economic model of the Popular Party has led us to the current economic crisis-particularly dramatic in our region and an example of obscurantism, corruption and obscenity are some of the terms that Cayetano Molto Jaime and Maria Victoria Rodriguez-local coordinator and United Left municipal spokesman Cartagena-Green for the Environment and IU-Greens Region of Murcia, respectively, have qualified today Preliminary Version of the Basin Plan Cartagena presented by the Port Authority.
The leaders of the left formation presented the submissions to this draft.
Jaime Moltó Cayetano explained that there are expectations and hopes around citizen participation process and submission of claims, because "going to be resolved by the Port Authority and there is already a decision taken by it on the location of the dock.
At the same time recalled that the plans submitted by the Ministry of Development for Spanish ports in the next decade is not collected any action in the Gorguel, so this is a personal commitment Viudes Adrian Angel acting for free without taking part in state planning and investment needs.
Conjuring exercise called the coordinator of IU-Greens the submission because it is based on economic data from 2006 when the situation was very different from today, establishing growth forecasts for 2040 and unrealistic economic forecasts and are constantly changing every few months watching international bodies are going to change, regardless of which have not been taken into account factors influencing port traffic as increasing navigability of Arctic Ocean or the new channel being built in Guatemala for move from Atlantic to Pacific.
"It looks like Viudes think that at the moment of crossing the Suez Canal boats and saw the port of Cartagena" he ironized Cayetano Jaime who also reported the lack of scientific software or foresee that the container traffic Cartagena 60,000 annual pass now arriving at the port of Cartagena, three million Viudes ensures that will be received in 2040 and the creation of jobs is something expected as the port of Valencia, which four million is increasing its annual capacity container keeps the same staff of 1,200 people before starting such an extension.
In this aspect of the exercise of sleight might be included the fact that, when shuffling other alternatives include some clearly not as Cape Tiñoso, El Portus, The Algameca or Calblanque and tailings is dismissed simply because to superimpose the port designed to Gorguel about this area and say that does not fit, normal is designing each port adapted to the terrain to house it.
So, in tailings are currently 260,000 square meters and 300,000 other unused annexes would create an infrastructure for 800,000 containers, up 13 times higher than today, with very little investment and low environmental impact.
Wastage Cayetano has explained Jaime reporting that 2,000 million are to spend on the new dock pose two tenths of GDP and that such two-tenths is currently letting people without drugs or healthcare, dependence unaided or hospitals are being privatized and the new infrastructure can follow the same path as the airport without airplanes like Corvera or roads, as the Toll motorway Cartagena-Vera, which are a real waste, as in his day notice Izquierda Unida, giving reason unfortunately time.
As for the obscenity of it, and has called the local coordinator of IU-Greens Viudes referring to employment creates false expectations in this time of crisis being experienced fierce country and our region.
The local leader of the United Left has said that the work is corrupt because it will make public funds or funds shall require construction companies and savings banks, as we have seen then is happening, they have to be rescued citizens' money.
Jaime Cayetano has said that "in this project are the big public works companies then give grants to political parties and foundations of these" and then, the failure of the project should give those parties that receive subsidies.
Jaime Cayetano has also referred to the legal uncertainty which is the fact that it presented no more than a preliminary version, as it has also affected Victoria Rodriguez, who in turn pointed out that this project is a continuation of politics Government's environmental destruction of Ramón Luis Valcárcel that has brought us to the current crisis.
The project presented by Rodriguez has been described as "spooky" and for the sole purpose of "feeding Viudes personal ego" and recalled that as early as 2001, the United Left proposal was approved unanimously by the City of Cartagena Creek protection Gorguel that affected by pollution sterile like Portman, was regenerating itself.
Victoria Rodriguez has also referred to the European directives on protected areas affecting Gorguel, which is declared as SCI and SPA.
It also stressed that the works to make would seriously endangered five unique habitats and 18 native plant species, not to mention the profound environmental involvement and seascape, landscape values, historical and archaeological heritage and culture of the area and the Sierra Minera Cartagena-La Union.
All this in a document that is only obscurantist preliminary but defends as definitive Viudes ensuring it will pass because it is a good project.
Finally, Rodriguez stressed that United Left-Greens is aware that the resolution of the issue will be in Europe and they will fight to the end for the sake of Cartagena, La Union and the Region of Murcia and that, if necessary be referred to the courts.
Source: IURM