THE NGO Cartagena Action Fire organizing this conference to be held today and tomorrow in the former barracks of the guide, whose goal is to enhance the action of these professionals in emergency situations
Safety Councilman Mariano Garcia, visited this morning the old barracks of The Guide to Cartagena, where the NGO Action Fire was conducting the VIII Conference on Disaster Training in collaboration with the Fire of Cartagena.
Fifty people, from different parts of Spain, and even in Denmark, were participating in this conference whose objective is to improve the professional response to disasters. Toilets, fire, and even divers, are part of this initiative in which the theory is complemented with real and simulated practical study treatment plants, rescues at height or in collapsed structures, or first aid, as explained Balance Francisco, president of Firefighters in Action.
Training is important to intervene in any disaster, in the words of Councillor, who has stressed that the practice is caught in the field.
In short, these sessions help put into practice the knowledge and techniques that teach peers after Cartagena and Murcia.
The training started at eight o'clock and runs until tomorrow at noon.
According Balance, this morning an earthquake will surprise and everyone will have to develop their knowledge.
And, the psychological factor is also key in the work of these professionals.
Fire in Action n atio fifteen years ago, and also to intervene in the t erremoto of Lorca, work experience and traveling have crossed borders to G uatemala or El Salvador or Haiti.
His day job is to gather information on the needs that the developing countries to try to help in training, and get hence they can work independently.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena