The twelve students who began the occupational workshop last April 1, begin their practical training in the specialties of drywall and electricity.
There were more than fifty applications submitted to participate in this training for the unemployed over 35 years and from the construction sector.'s Purpose is facilitating tools to facilitate their return to work.
Students in this workshop are receiving training, both theoretical and practical, of the drywall assembly techniques, painting and electrical.
In total, receive 215 hours teaching over the months of April and May.
The practical training are receiving on site of Youth and Training Center Quarry, using the same plant where they develop placement practices plasterboard plates, performing stakeout, anchors, structural reinforcement, installation and practicable roof removal.
In the electricity branch circuits work with light point and power outlet, fluorescent lamps, components and connections of the elements of switchboard, control and protection.
This workshop is intended for students to expand their knowledge within the field of use in structures, in order to improve their reintegration into the labor market.
For this reason, from the ALDE working on finding companies related to this sector and can accommodate these students intern.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena