260 runners gathered at the V Exhibition Cycling School of Sorrows, held Sunday morning on a street circuit of a mile, in the neighborhood, to numerosísimo pubic.
The event was organized by the Cycling Club of Sorrows with the cooperation of the City of Cartagena, Cycling Federation and numerous companies who provided support.
Technical results were:
Raul Castejon Illan.
Club Roldan
Zaira Toro Sánchez.
Club Roldán2.
Ángel Rodríguez Marín, The Dolores3 Cycling Club.
Lope García Valero, Mule School of Cycling
The awards ceremony was presided by Diego Ortega Madrid, Councillor for Sports, accompanied by José López Tortosa, president of the Cycling Federation, Jose Garcia Alcaraz, president AVV Los Dolores, Juan Jose Rios Menchón, director of the Race Track, and Alfonso Galindo, president of the Cycling Club of Los Dolores.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena