The Valencian writer, Carles Cano, has been these days in Cartagena, participating in meetings with Author of public libraries in the city.
The purpose of your stay is simply to share with students in kindergarten, the various centers joined this initiative of the Department of Culture, the passages of his work, Mamááá ...!
Soup from the collection of books from the publisher Anaya, whose purpose is to promote reading amongst children, this story focuses on the figure of the mother and how it appeases small as he read a story in the evil characters that appear as the wolf, the witch or the bogeyman, whose mere presence frightens children.
Today, the author has talked with preschool children in the Municipal Library Rafael Rubio (Dolores) where they explained that this work is the complement of Papááá ...! Dedicated to their children. More a decade later, this story was born showing how the mother is able to negotiate with the characters and has a more subtle about the fears that haunt the child s, explained the author.
It is definitely a reflection of the way you have protective parents in the world of dreams, reveals Carles Cano, who has placed special emphasis on the importance of storytelling not only in school, but also in the family.
Surrounded by children and the Kamishibai has narrated this story with the help of small to whom he encouraged to close their eyes to imagine a Cartagena chocolate.
When children hear stories are happier, but also allow them stories bonding, learning to listen and develop their imagination, in the words of author Valencia.
The first meetings were held in the day on Monday, March 11, at the Cultural Center Luzzy Ramon Alonso, while yesterday the author visited the Municipal Library Manuel Puig Campillo (Barrio Peral) where manutuvo three matches at 09.30, at 11.00 and 12.30 hours.
Today has culminated their experience with students in the Los Dolores, where the author has announced it is currently working on stories Abuelooo ...!
and Abuelaaa ...!
Born in Valencia in 1957, Cano Carles graduated Valencian Philology. During more than 20 years as a professor of language and literature and now lives in the story. Author of Children's Literature, with over 50 books published in various languages, has worked as a writer for radio, television, and comics.
He has also played roles playwright and storyteller.
His role as storyteller has led him to participate in various international festivals such as the Guadalajara Marathon, the International Festival of Silos (Tenerife), A Story Madrid, in high Veu (Vilafranca Penedes), festivals or tellers Catalan language Pont de Suert (Lleida) or Torredembarra (Tarragona), among others.
He has also visited Morocco, Equatorial Guinea, France and the UK.
Throughout his career he has received numerous awards, including the Nobel Lazarillo in 1994 by Gotcha Riding Hood (Editorial Bruno), The librarians Samaruc Premi Valencia in 1996, and the prize Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, 2008 by Per un bounced. addition, his work What is the difference between white and black?
Gotcha Riding Hood and were selected for the J Raven Withe ugend Bibliothek of Munich in 1996.
Also dedicated to visual poetry, offering their first shows in 2000, I ALTRES ARTIFICIS BROEMES POEMES. Subsequently, in 2003, presented another entitled, LETTERS, with the cards as the centerpiece, while in 2005 drove the EU project TRUEQ , a presentation-sharing site with more than fifty poets, illustrators, dermatologists, puppeteers, painters, sculptors and English teachers.
For more information you can visit the following website .
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena