The full city council meeting held this morning twice, the first, extraordinary, on the Bill for the rationalization and sustainability of local government, and second, ordinary, which, prior to the discussion of motions and questions of groups, has declared an official statement in support ERCROS workers in Cartagena, which have been hit by a record of employment regulation.
A worker representation has witnessed the reading of this statement, in which it is clear the City Council opposition to termination of contracts, and agreeing to request the withdrawal of the record of employment regulation and the study of a solution that can keep producing factory in the city.
Morning Plenary Hall of the Palace Hall began with the celebration of an extraordinary session at the request of two local groups of the opposition PSOE and IU-Greens, to discuss a single topic, the Draft Law for rationalization and sustainability of local government.
For the Socialist Party spokesman, Charity Rives, the draft submitted by the PP, to the extent that a reform will directly affect the municipalities and, above all, to the services provided, should be given greater consensus, so they have requested a meeting of a local board in which all relevant sectors and political groups are represented.
Meanwhile, IU spokesman, Jaime Moltó Cayetano showed their distrust that this bill would prevent the loss of public services provided to citizens, since it focused more on economic than social.
Nor spokesman mixed group-Citizens Movement, Jose Lopez, considered that this policy can solve the economic problems of government.
The response of the government team spokesman, José Cabezos, made ​​clear the position of the same before the draft, which considered brave and ambitious, based on the principles of efficiency, transparency and savings, and will not leave the service without doing more cheaply and efficiently.
Then the city, now in regular session, passed motions to debate and questions from opposition groups.
So PSOE initiatives have revolved around women, both in the aspect of employment and on gender violence, finance and governance. IU The cuts were about equality policies, local policies on housing and evictions and signaling Pinwheel archaeological remains.
And the mixed-MC group have focused on repairing the track, facing the Central Pavilion and retrieving trademark of The Sea Music.
In all cases, they voted No to the urgency within the councilors responsible for each area of government because they are working on resolving each of the issues.
It has also removed a joint motion filed by PSOE, IU and MC, in which they requested a permanent commission for evaluation and monitoring of the Ordinance Regulating the sale, supply and consumption of alcohol in public, as in the last Finance Committee agreed to hold this up, with the participation of technicians, residents, restaurateurs and ultimately, stakeholder representatives.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena