Barrero Enrique Rodriguez has been the winner of the XL edition of the Floral Games of Campo de Cartagena, through his work, Sonnets Toro Libre, whose motto was, Saltés Island.
Resident in Seville, has been awarded the prize of this contest only, Flor Natural and 1,300 euros, organized by the Centro Cultural y Deportivo de La Palma. The event was held on Saturday March 9 at 21.30 hours in the Civic Center of La Palma.
This time, the only issue dealt with the Bulls and the admission period closed on Thursday February 7.
The contest was open to the general public, the only requirement being that the works were unpublished.
During the ceremony, there will also be awards of XIX National Youth Poetry Contest.
The awards this year were awarded to Luis Gonzalez Monreal (Tomelloso, Ciudad Real), for his work, Toys, and Sergio Gonzalez San Miguel (Rivas-Vaciamadrid, Madrid), Poems by Suburb.
For the first category, the winner will receive $ 350 and a certificate, while in the second category, diploma and 600 euros.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena