Starting next March, if not effective grants that are pending payment for 2011 and 2012 and amounting to almost € 800,000, the Open University of Cartagena can not cope with the expenses necessary for normal functioning, both staff payroll, payments to tutors, who already owed four months' salary, and current expenses (electricity, water, telephone, etc.).
This situation has come for unpaid systematic subsidies that should have been paid in previous years as the Regional Administration, Local Government and the various extensions that fund Lorca, Yecla and Caravaca de la Cruz.
The debt of the Autonomous Community of the years 2011 and 2012 amounted to more than € 594,000, and that of other local governments, they depend Extensions Lorca, Yecla and Caravaca de la Cruz, more than 190,000 €.
Of this year, 2013 have received only the proportional shares of the contributions of the City of Cartagena and UNED, but not the other administrations.
Despite efforts to reduce spending in the last two years, in which the contributions have fallen sharply, particularly the Autonomous Community has gone from € 433,000 to € 160,000, and the budget of the Consortium has declined more than 24%, failure cause commitments, lack of liquidity, enormous problems for more than 6,100 students enrolled at the partner institution, as it is not able to cope not only tutors and payments to suppliers since expired, if the resulting payroll and supplies necessary for the normal functioning of the Joint Centre and the Social Security Contributions and payment of taxes withheld for income tax.
By all from CC.OO.
demand the immediate payment of debts to the Commonwealth of the UNED Center, especially the Regional Administration, and grants are approved for the current year 2013 for future recovery, preventing a repeat of this situation in the short term .
Source: CCOO Región de Murcia