The Governing Board of the City of Cartagena today approved definitively Strategic Noise Map of the urban agglomeration of Cartagena, after rejecting the only argument, which had submitted the Quarries Neighborhood Association, for not meeting the requirements of the Royal Decree 1513/2005.
The spokesman of the government team, José Cabezos, explained after the board meeting that among these requirements is not met continuity with the urban and population density. Thus, the noise map, which initially approved last October, focuses primarily on the urban fabric of the city, not the suburbs and county.
In addition, the governing board has also given the green light to the collaboration agreement between the Regional Employment and Training Murcia (SEF) and the city of Cartagena in the field of laboratory orientation l.
Through this agreement, the SEF and the ALDE (Agency for Local Development and Employment), coordinate and optimize the services facing the training of unemployed, unifying them through the use of a single database, so as to facilitate and encourages the use of electronic means and improved citizen service, Cabezos noted.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena