The Roman Theatre Museum has scheduled a course on Cultural Tourism: Marketing, Communication and Evaluation to be held from 11 to 13 March 2013.
A total of 60 people have been offered to students or graduates of the following branches, mainly: Archaeology, Art History, Architecture, Tourism, Media and professionals involved in the management of heritage resources and tourism.
The training workshop has 12 teaching loads given in the evening, from 17.00 to 21.00 hours.
In addition, students who have attended at least 80% of classes will receive a diploma.
During those three days will address some of the actions that occur during the process of Heritage Management as advertising of tourism resources, communication of values ​​and meanings of the assets, ongoing evaluation of services provided to those we visit, and the impact it has on its surroundings.
The course presents a dynamic that includes lectures and case studies of important hand specialists in the field such as M. Santos
Rusillo Mateos, art historian, graduate in Heritage Interpretation and Ph.D. in art history; Marcelo M.
Martin Guglielmino, architect and consultant in Heritage Interpretation, and Pau Rausell KÃ ¶ ster, Economist, Doctor and Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Valencia.
The registration fee is 50 euros and to formalize the documentation period ends on February 11.
Interested parties may submit the application for registration to the Museum of the Roman Theatre of Cartagena via e-mail ( ) or by fax (968 12 48 65).
Once confirmed seat reservations on February 12, the Museum will be forwarded proof of bank transfer to proceed with the completion of enrollment.
Cajamurcia / BMN: D4870003-58-2000533208.
For more information call 968 50 48 02 or in person at the Museum of the Roman Theatre of Cartagena, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, 9.
Source: Ayuntamiento de Cartagena