Sergio Martinez, deputy spokesman UPyD Cartagena, praised as positive any change in the government team, whenever making it more efficient, and not for reasons of party electoral strategies or thinking totally unrelated to the management of the municipality.
This emphasizes that the decision is good that Joseph Cabezos leave the Sports Department since the sports facilities have been greatly impaired, and we will make a good show in their new area and in this regard we doubt that Diego Ortega is the right person for the Department of Employment, and hope to prove us wrong, find projects, and move to attract more business to the city, and curb unemployment.
From UPyD supporters are totally modernize the administration, we are glad that new area, and we hope to modernize technologically, in services, especially in functions and policies tailored to the needs of citizens, and already proposed that "for us is bases that passes all modernization greater citizen participation, and greater transparency in policy decisions of the city. "
Moreover, for Martinez, "the Mayor of the city, Pilar Barreiro, not end to find a team policies tailored to their circumstances, and therefore has to choose between Mayor or Deputy and Vice President of the Defense Committee, as responsibilities are of great responsibility, and complete dedication. "
Source: UPyD Cartagena